\WaveformGenerator - This WaveformGenerator demo application combines waveforms with different amplitudes and frequencies. The speciality of this sample application is the magnification effect of the centered list items and the soft fade-in/fade-out effects. \WashingMachine - This demo shows the implementation of a washing machine with a couple of fancy scrollable list widgets to choose the washing program and parameters. \SmartThermostat - The SmartThermostat demo application shows the implementation of a fancy, rotatable temperature controller to adjust and display the nominal and actual temperature. The application demonstrates the usage of vector graphics within graphs and circular gauges. \PulseOximeter - The sample application PulseOximeter shows the implementation of a medical device for monitoring a person's pulse frequency and peripheral oxygen saturation. The application contains many rect effects and fade-in/fade-out effects to change dynamically the layout of the screen. \PaperCutter - This demo shows the implementation of a paper cutting machine, where the user can define the pagination and format of the paper as well as the cutting speed and the amount of papers. The user can define a heating time, a nominal temperature and humidity, a dwell time and the final cooling time. \ClimateCabinet - The ClimateCabinet demo shows the implementation of a control panel for a climatic exposure test cabinet.
The player has a movable paddle to bounce the ball upward, keeping it in play. When a brick is hit, the ball bounces away and the brick is destroyed.
A ball travels across the screen, bouncing off the top and side walls of the screen. In the game, a couple of brick rows are arranged in the upper part of the screen.
\BrickGame - The sample application BrickGame implements a classic "paddle and ball" game. The change from one digit to another is handled by moving the vector points to get a smooth transition animation. The application uses vector graphics to render dynamically the different digits for clock and timer. \BezierClock - The sample application BezierClock implements a fancy digital clock and timer application with animated digits. Sets of basic drawing operations are executed permanently and continuously, while the user can switch on/off the hardware accelerator. \GraphicsAccelerator - This application demonstrates the graphics performance of the DMA2D hardware graphics accelerator. #ATOLLIC TRUESTUDIO STM32 CONNECTION HOW TO#
\DeviceIntegration - This example shows the integration of devices into a UI application and addresses typical questions: How to start a certain action on the target? How to get data from a device?. \ScreenOrientation - This demo shows, that the orientation of the UI application is independent from the physical orientation of the display. \ColorFormats - This project demonstrates that every UI application can be generated for different color formats: RGBA8888, RGB888, RGBA4444, RGB565, Index8 and LumA44.
\HelloWorld - A very simple project that is useful as starting point and to verify that the entire toolchain, your installation and your board is properly working.Every project contains the necessary profile settings for the STM32H745 target.
Each example is stored in a separate folder containing the entire Embedded Wizard UI project.
\Examples - This folder contains a set of demo applications. #ATOLLIC TRUESTUDIO STM32 CONNECTION DRIVER#
Additionally, this folder contains a configuration file for FreeRTOS and the device driver C/H files used for the DeviceIntegration example. The file ewconfig.h contains general configuration settings for the target system, like memory ranges and display parameter and configuration settings for the Embedded Wizard Graphics Engine and Runtime Environment. There you will find the initialization of the system and the main loop to drive an Embedded Wizard GUI application.
\Source - This folder contains the files main.c and ewmain.c. \Project - This folder contains the prepared projects for GCC (make), IAR Embedded Workbench, Keil MDK-ARM and Atollic TrueSTUDIO. #ATOLLIC TRUESTUDIO STM32 CONNECTION CODE#
You can create your own UI project and generate the code into the subdirectory \GeneratedCode without the need to adapt the project. All template projects are building the UI application out of this folder. \GeneratedCode - This folder is used to receive the generated code from an Embedded Wizard UI project.